Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Mommy Woes!

I was talking to one of my friends last night. I was concerned about her because she did not seem like herself. As I listened to her, it quickly occurred to me that she had the mommy woes. This is a condition that most moms of little ones suffer from but a condition we rarely talk about. I don't know if we are ashamed and feel that no one will understand or if we are just overcome with guilt. Our guilt usually stems from our desire to be a mom and stay home with our little ones and once that happens wishing your life was different because it is so stinking hard. Believe me there is nothing quite as heavy as mommy guilt.

You may be asking what the symptoms of this condition are to determine if you have it or not. I have listed a few below:

  • your big accomplishment of the day is getting dressed
  • the days of going to the bathroom by yourself are long gone
  • you mainly speak babytalk
  • you can't remember the last time you had a night out with your girlfriends
  • you can distinguish cries and have gotten comfortable ignoring several of them
  • on more than one occasion you have been frightened because you sound just like your mother
  • getting dressed up is actually wearing a bra and a t-shirt without stains
  • your new perfume is spit-up

Well, now that you know what your condition is what do you do. The first thing is to know that even though you feel all alone, you are not. This is a condition that most women suffer from. And the reality is that it will be over all too quickly (even though you think the day will never end) and you will actually look back and miss this time in your life.

I know that sounds crazy and unbelievable but I promise it will happen. I remember having to literally strap my son onto my body just so I could do laundry. There were many days that I thought I was going to loose my mind. Now he is eight and I can't even pick him up anymore. I sure do wish that I could hold him in my lap one more time. I can not even begin to count the number of times that I put my dishes back in the cabinet after my daughter crawled in and pulled everything out. But what I wouldn't give to open the cabinet door and see her chubby little cheeks smiling at me. And don't even get me started on the rocking and singing lullablies. I am going to have to stop this because I am getting teary eyed! I tell you it all passes by way too fast.

Secondly, and the most important thing is to keep pursuing God even though it may be in 1 minute intervals. Read His Word and take it to heart. Apply it to your life. I promise this is your most important life line. It will help you to be a better wife, mother, daughter, and friend.

Lastly, schedule yourself some time with your girlfriends. If you do not have someone that can watch your children then plan a playdate. You will enjoy the fellowship with friends and your children will enjoy playing with someone.

Don't loose heart, this too will pass. You will survive this time in your life despite how you felt when you woke up this morning. You are a great mom! You can do this!

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