Wednesday, November 11, 2009


With so many things going around these days, when you hear the word contagious you usually want to run. I know it makes me want to reach for the antibacterial hand santizer and take a step or two back. However, I ran into someone tonight that had something that I really wanted to catch. I hugged her and even grabbed her hands in hopes that I would catch it.

Have I lost my mind?

Well maybe, but I don't think so.

She was all a glow because God had been doing some really amazing things in her life. She began to share with me what her days had held and how God had spoken to her. It really was contagious and I was really hoping to catch it.

It really got me thinking about what I exude.

Am I a display of His splendor?

Is He what people see when they look at me or do they see me?

I was reminded of what I need to be doing and that is dying to myself, feasting on His Word and listening for His still small voice. When I get myself out of the way, then He can truly shine through!

May the splendor of the Lord shine through us all today!

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