After returning from Africa, one of the biggest problems I had was living in all my abundance while knowing so many were living with nothing. Poverty was no longer just a word, it now had a face and when I closed my eyes it was their faces that I saw.
I kept asking God what I was suppose to do. I am a doer and I like to get busy doing things. But being this far away I just wasn't sure what I was suppose to do. So I continued to pray.
A few weeks ago, in a series of random events that can only be described as God, I got in contact with the Pastor at the church where my sweet little Brenda is living. I was able to find out more information about Brenda and her situation. We also learned more about Jack, the boy that Cliff had a special connection with. And through my emails with the Pastor, God answered my prayer of what I should do to help those in Uganda.
New Hope School of Orphans, located close to Kenya, had money donated to them through Pennies for Posho to build an orphanage. They are actually building a dorm where the children will sleep. The building will be completed this month. They have the bunk bed frames, but no mattresses. When I heard this, I knew exactly what I could do to help.
So, Cliff and I are raising money to buy 70 mattresses. In the orphanages, it is rare for a child to have a bed of their own. The reality of the situation is that 2 or 3 children sleep on one twin bed. In fact, at New Hope School of Orphans they will have 70 beds but have 298 children.
I would like to give you the opportunity to change the life of a child in Uganda. For $31 you can purchase a mattress for a child. Basically if our family of 4 gives up eating out just 1 meal, we have $31.
We will be giving the money to Pennies for Posho. In April, they will be traveling to Uganda and will purchase and have the mattresses delivered to the school.
If you would like to purchase a mattress, make your check payable to Pennies for Posho and mail it to 85 Emerald Hills Lane, Newnan, Georgia 30263. We will send all the money over to Pennies.
This is a picture of Jack and Brenda at school.
God Bless You!