That pretty much sums up my week so far!
On Tuesday morning, I went with a group of people to hand out food bags. Different stores donated the food items. We sorted it by category and then made food bags for the families. I will not soon forget the instructions I received while going through the apples. One apple had a bad spot on it. I was ready to toss it but was instructed that the bad spot could be cut out leaving about half the apple to eat. Someone would be glad for that half an apple. I felt convicted. At my home the apple would have went in the trash.
I was a little anxious as we went to hand out the food bags. I wasn't sure what to expect. As we pulled up, a few people came to the truck to receive their bags. Then we went down the list and started delivering the bags. I was blessed to meet lots of people.
We ended up with some extra food bags and so we headed to another neighborhood. We knocked on doors and gave out the bags. As we were getting ready to leave, I found a bag with snack type food in it and I knew exactly who to take it to. I didn't know their name, but I knew the little guy would enjoy the snacks. God grabbed my heart as I stood at their door for a second time. I asked if there was anything I could pray about for them. Janice shared a little of her story with me and tears began to form in my eyes. I began to share with her that she was not forgotten and that God knew her by name. The tears began to spill out of my eyes. Her smile so radiant, her pain so deep. She thanked me for coming and told me what a blessing I was to her. The truth is she was my blessing. I can't get her out of my mind and I can't wait to go back to see her next week.
Tonight I had the privilege of hearing the Ugandan Thunder choir. My heart is so tender toward these children. After they sang they walked through the crowd giving hugs. The youngest choir member, Miriam, headed my way. My arms wanted to wrapped her up. She came over, hugged me and began to rub my hair. She climbed in my lap and I thought I was going to melt into the floor. When she began to rub my face, I really had to fight the urge to stuff her in my purse and take off running. She was just too sweet for words!
I have always wanted to go to Africa, but I honestly never thought that I would get there. At the close of the service, the Pastor traveling with the choir invited anyone to join them on a mission trip to Uganda. My heart skipped a beat. I silently prayed telling my Lord of my desire to go. Who knows, maybe my trip will happen after all!
I have been energized this week. I have been reminded that it truly is better to give than to receive. Praying you generously give the love of Jesus to someone this week!